About the Tour
Meet the guide at 8:00 a.m. at the Inbal Hotel
After breakfast, depart for the beautiful Herodian port city of Caesarea and visit the ruins, including the Amphitheater and the Aqueducts.
Then visit the crusader fortress in Acre, built and inhabited by the Knights Templar at the turn of the 12th century.
Proceed to Haifa, one of Israel’s largest seaports. There you will enjoy the beautiful terraces of the Bahai Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Return to the Inbal Hotel
Book all tours by emailing Jessica at Guy Tours: jessica@guytours.co.il
Subject: Radiology CME Trip
Global Radiology CME is not affiliated with any hotel or travel company. All travel plans, tours, and hotel arrangements are the responsibility of the registrant. By booking this conference, registrants agree to all disclaimers and waivers here: Global Radiology CME Disclaimers